Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Yep, busy...

So this may sound, cliche'ish but now I now why I named this blog busy bee three. I really didn't realize how busy until this week. Sitting at Tristans baseball game, I realized.... Cody's game last night, Tristans tonight, Tristan has another game tomorrow night, Cody on Thursday, not to mention Karate on Mon and Wed.. (We missed it this week) Lonnie softball Mondays, and now he wants to play on the coed team too. As if we aren't busy enough?? whew... Can you say take a breath?
I am really going to be glad to be going to Alidas tomorrow for the pedicure party..
In case anyone is interested, I am hosting a Mary Kay Pedicure Party at Alidas tomorrow. 7:00 Anyone is welcome, just email me or Alida.. Right Alida? I enjoyed the Satin Hands station so much at the last MOPS meeting, that I asked Alida to do it again. Mothers Day is coming and I bought one for my mom..
Back to the games. Cody is getting better.. He actually caught the ball and knew what to do with it. If you have never watched T-Ball with5-6 year olds, you must. It is sooo cute. The kids (co-ed) get so excited to get the ball, that they forget they need to get someone out. Or they want the ball so bad they fight each other for it.. Cody was on first base, he caught the ball and touched his base. The runner was out and he had one good ego booster. He was so proud.. Mommy did you see that? Tristan hit an actual Home Run tonight. He was last batter, which means in AA baseball (and T-Ball) that they run all the bases after hitting the ball. He actually made it to home before the ball did.. Usually the catcher has the ball and is tagging them all as they come in.. He was EXCITED!!

Tabitha is kind of potty training her friend now.. I have a girlfriend who just found out she is pregnant also, so I have been babysitting her daughter (Couple months older then Tabitha) while she goes to the Doctors.. Every time Tabitha goes potty, she asks Kailey to go with her. Kailey is more then happy to oblige. She is actually going at home now too. Way to go Tabitha and Kailey! Of course, her Mom and Dad are doing a great job also, but just being with Tabitha I think helped her spark the interest.
I was able to get a blog entry out two days in a row.. Yeah me. Hahaha


Alida said...

That's right anyone is welcome! You miisy think you don't have a lot to write about. You are kidding right? Kudos to the boys on their awesome game. Can I bring Isabela over, so Tabitha can potty train her? My girl has absolutely no interest in using the potty and I had no interest in training her myself.

Anonymous said...

It does get busy when the kids start having activities, huh? It's a different busy than having babies in the house, but still busy.

Awesome for Tabitha!

momaof4 said...

We are so slow on the sports over here. We just got into the swimming thing!
I think most of that is cause of what you are doing right now! I don't know if I am ready for that!!! It is going to come one of these day's i know.

I wish I could come tonight!!